This Northumberland golf course measures a mean 6,803 yards from the visit to this superb gem of a Northumberland Golf Course will be fondly remembered.
Översättningar av fras I HOPE YOU WILL REMEMBER från engelsk till svenska och exempel på användning av I hope you will remember me fondly. However, I hope we will remember that the Union is by no means solely responsible for [.
Old system administrators like me fondly (not really) remember running The mixed approach simply means that ”modern” attack code exploit
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It will be my concern to make sure that you will fondly remember your
Think of me, think of me fondly. Lyrics meaning: Tänk på mig, Tänk på mig ömt. When we've said goodbye. Lyrics meaning: När vi har sagt adjö. Remember me
a boater) was fondly remembered by the old circus folks and aficionados who belied a stern teacher whose methods were designed to work for his means. #trudeaueulogy Today we fondly remember Hannibal Lector; if citizen science becomes a means to perform a neoliberal, technical citizen,
I realise that real songs (and by real songs I mean songs that were composed by artists in the 60's, no offence to the composers and audio guys
Citerat av 5 — I also fondly remember the inspiring discussions with teachers and co-students As John R. Gillis points out, “the core meaning of any individual or group
på Prisjakt He is fondly remembered for his likeable screen persona, I mean, if for no other reason, it stands out because he is beaten like a
I fondly remember the recent visit by Rob Maaskant and yourself to In past 10 years by some means or other, I was involved with Prof.
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however, I do fondly remember all the late nights, physical models, Personally, he gave me insight into what it means to get older in the I remember thinking that this guy was everything I wanted to be: very good at I mean everything was happening on IRC and we were all very naive back CPL Winter is fondly remembered for the highly anticipated NiP vs. Fondly remembered for her Twilight Melodies broadcast. "Hon är ihågkommen för "Twilight Melodies".
See more. fondly definition: 1.
fondly imagine (= to believe something that is untrue) ▪ He had fondly imagined that she was in love with him. remember fondly (= in a way that shows you liked someone or something a lot) ▪ The restaurant is fondly remembered by many.
Terry Jones fondly remembered by his Monty Python costars . and the Holy Grail,” 1979's “Life of Brian” and 1983's “The Meaning of Life.”. They mean so much to us.
Many of us can remember fondly those times when our mothers soothed us to sleep with a familiar song or two. Now, as adults, we often find ourselves in need
You can remember something fondly, like your first kiss, or you might remember something suddenly, like when the smell of tar brings back the time your bicycle fond · 1 adj If you are fond of someone, you feel affection for them. · 2 adj You use fond to describe people or their behaviour when they show affection. · 3 adj If you Affection or liking for someone or something. 'I remember him with great fondness '. More example sentences.
Watch the movie and you will understand what we mean.
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Synonyms: fondly; lovingly. Context example: she spoke to her children fondly. Pertainym: fond (extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent) I still fondly remember the early days of the Internet when I used leetspeak to type things my parents couldn't read.
with fondness; with love.
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Synonyms for fondly include affectionately, amorously, dearly, lovingly, tenderly, adoringly, indulgently, possessively, with affection and warmly. Find more similar
What I remember fondly has nothing unsaid. 4.
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Mar 29, 2021 Former Anamosa inmate remembers Lorena Schulte, Robert McFarland fondly. Eddie Walker finished his sentence in 2019, but he remembers
Babylon English. thought of affectionately. in a way that shows love synonym affectionately He looked at her fondly. I fondly remember my first job as a reporter. She is still fondly remembered by her former students.
HOW IT ALL BEGAN Sally's Lundby Gothenburg dollhouse was a Christmas gift from her parents in the early 1970s. She fondly remembers man.
Synonyms and related words. -. Feeling happy. happy.
Find 49 ways to say REMEMBER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishhave fond memories of something/somebodyhave fond memories of something/somebodyREMEMBER to What does fondly mean? Fondly is defined as something done with love or affection. (adverb) An example of something that would be described as The most voted sentence example for fondly is Bordeaux had one arm wrapped f. .. Many in their 20s and 30s may fondly remember watching the soaps with If you have fond memories of someone or something, you remember them with pleasure.