Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015 - Industrial Production Index, Total Industry (excluding construction) - NACE Rev2; Eurostat; Working day and seasonally adjusted Unit 2015=100 Dataset: STS : Short-Term Statistics


Dataset has 26,401 series. Add search filters to narrow them. List Table Chart Quarterly – Employment (number of persons employed) – Mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply – Unadjusted data (i.e. neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data) – Index, 2010=100 – Austria

-30,6%. Hotell- och  Nio EUländer samt Eurostat, ECB och OECD har deltagit i arbetsgruppen. korttidsindikatorer enligt STS-förordningen samt utrikeshandeln med varor. Technology Studies (STS) is described and analysed, which questions the Förutom OECD kan även nämnas Eurostat (på EU-nivå), RICYT (Ibero-American. Enligt förslaget får STs a-kassa kronor.

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6. Young farmers’ share, performances and agricultural training in 2010 Data source: Eurostat, Eurostat Evolution of young farmers share (in % of all farmers) 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% Y K S V G R KE OU 7I RT ZL 2010 2005 2003 Males In 2010 farm holders younger than 35 in the EU27 represented around 9% both in terms of farm area and economic output. Industrial production in the Euro Area dropped 1.6 percent from a year earlier in February 2021, following a 0.1 percent increase in the previous month and compared with market expectations of a 0.9 percent fall. Industrial Production in the Euro Area averaged 0.70 percent from 1991 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 9.70 percent in August of 2000 and a record low of -28.50 percent in och branschstrukturen för anställda.

Industrial production in the Euro Area dropped 1.6 percent from a year earlier in February 2021, following a 0.1 percent increase in the previous month and compared with market expectations of a 0.9 percent fall. Industrial Production in the Euro Area averaged 0.70 percent from 1991 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 9.70 percent in August of 2000 and a record low of -28.50 percent in och branschstrukturen för anställda.

eurostat Statistics in focus 32/2013. 2 of tourists. As a trade-off with its strong timeliness , STS is available with a lower granularity of activities for services; as a  

MS's responsible for providing QI's for their national data sent to Eurostat and Eurostat responsible for providing QI's for the Source: Eurostat (SBS) Source: Eurostat (SBS) Source: Eurostat (SBS) 15.2 Food and drink industry 15.2 Food and drink industry 12.1 Food and drink industry Share of investment in the EU manufacturing industry (2015,%) Volume of production in the EU manufacturing industry (% change relative to the first quarter of 2008) Source: Eurostat (STS)-50 Source: Eurostat (SBS) Source: Eurostat (SBS) Source: Eurostat (SBS) 15.1% Food and drink industry 15.4% Food and drink industry 12.3% Food and drink industry Share of investment in the EU manufacturing industry (2016, %) Volume of production in the EU manufacturing industry (% change relative to the first quarter of 2008) Source: Eurostat (STS STS Manager EUROSTAT csv GES FLR SDMX compact SDMX cross sectional Loader rss Query parser SQL generator SDMX generator rss SDMX compact SDMX cross sectional SDMX query Paris, 19-21/01/2009. SDMX global conference of 2009 Sql Mapping generator Meeting of the OECD Expert Group on Statistical Data and Source: Eurostat (SBS) 69 1 Automotive Chemicals 35 133 41 119 14 10 10 4.25 million Employment in the EU manufacturing industry (index, 2008=100) Food and drink industry Source: Eurostat (SBS) Automotive Machinery and equipment Pharmaceuticals Source: Eurostat (STS) Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals 32 Chemicals Automotive Manufacturing Machinery Dataset Source : Statistical Office of the European Commission (Eurostat) Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015 - Producer Price Index, domestic sales, Total Industry (excluding construction) - NACE Rev2; Eurostat; Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted sts_clstr_var: the name of the column in the input dataset which contains the cluster information for the stratified two-stage sampling; ind_cond_t: character string describing the condition when the indicator variable take the true value (1); ind_cond_f: character string describing the condition when the indicator variable take the false value STS-583 Implementing a geospatial data strategy in the European Statistical System Mariana Kotzeva, Nikolaos Roubanis, Julien Gaffuri, Hannes I. Reuter Eurostat 22 August 2019, 14:00. geospatial information supported by Eurostat Supporting the integration of statistics and Like most EU countries, Eurostat has established an advance release calendar for many of the indicators, which is important for users of the data.

Waka (2); Yamato Denki (2); Apple (1); Berker (1); Black Box (1); Bourns (1); Cobtel (1); Comtech Electronic (1); Dätwyler Cables (1); Eurostat (1); Gin Yuan (1) 

Sts eurostat

These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical more Dataset has 26,401 series. Add search filters to narrow them. List Table Chart Quarterly – Employment (number of persons employed) – Mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply – Unadjusted data (i.e.

Sts eurostat

Concept - contexte STS: Taux de chômage =& Classification - contexte STS: Taux, Total (Tous ages), Total (hommes et femmes) =& Institution d`origine: Eurostat  Based on the national data, Eurostat compiles EU and euro area infra-annual There are eight PEEIs contributed by STS and they are marked with * in the  Source: Eurostat, STS (online data code: sts_setu_a). In this context, publishing activities correspond to section J58 of NACE Rev.2 and cover the sub-section  STS data is also transmitted to Eurostat on a monthly and quarterly basis. Accessibility and clarity of data.
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Sts eurostat

Leveransen av STS omfattar en mängd olika  12 Russia Moscow 1 615, Ref, Location Image population Eurostat 2011 Date population Official Country · City Vienna of center very the from ride tram  asset management, European Statistical System (ESS), Eurostat, railway International Heavy Haul STS Conference 2019, 10th – 14th June, Narvik, Norway  basis Starting points and Conditions -OECD manual / Eurostat manual -Great in EU Short-term business Statistics Brian Newson Head of STS unit Eurostat.

2 of tourists. As a trade-off with its strong timeliness , STS is available with a lower granularity of activities for services; as a   8 Mar 2019 Industrial production indices are transmitted to Eurostat and 2010), “Final Report – Task Force Chain-Linking in STS” (Eurostat, 2012) or  industry. Food and drink industry.
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Källa: SCB/Tillväxtverket och HUI Research/STS Tourism Organisation (UNTWO) i samarbete med EUROSTAT, OECD och United Nations. Statistics Division.

We use Eurostat Short-term business statistics (STS) indicators9 as benchmarks. STS provide three different indicators for labour input10: the number of persons  Government STS abbreviation meaning defined here. What does STS stand Get the top STS abbreviation related to Government.

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Short term Statistics Eurostat's role in the production of data. Gunter Schäfer. Eurostat D3. 1. The role of Eurostat. The Eurostat unit D3 collects from the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) of the European Union, EFTA and Candidate Countries for the EU short term statistics (STS) according to the Council Regulation 1165/98 and calculates European aggregates based on this data.

TSA r den  Euromonitor förlitade sig på siffror från Internationella arbetsorganisationen, Eurostat och nationella statistikbyråer och omvandlade dem sedan till amerikanska  flitigt siffror från SCB, Arbetsförmedlingen och Eurostat som Säljarnas. -26,9%. STs. -27,7%. Pappersindustriarbetarnas. -30,6%. Hotell- och  Nio EUländer samt Eurostat, ECB och OECD har deltagit i arbetsgruppen.

Belgium - Building Permits / dwellings, All Residential Buildings excluding residences for communities; Eurostat; Seasonally adjusted, not working day adjusted [Short-Term Statistics] STS.M.BE.S.BPER.CC1109.4.000

KÄlla: euroSTaT  Källa: SCB/Tillväxtverket & STS/HUI Research. Kommersiella gästnätter med EUROSTAT, OECD och United Nations Statistics Division.

Segment Group 11 - (DSI-STS-DTM-ARR-Gr12): STS - Status European Commission - Eurostat DOCUMENT FOR APPROVAL BY EEG6/WG7 GESMES User Guide for Maritime Transport Statistics 34 Version 04 - May 1997 Not used. 3055 - Code list responsible agency, coded The value should be 142 (Eurostat). 4.10.6 Examples (New data set) STS+3::142+9::142’ Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg.