With no vaccine or proven effective drug against the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), scientists are racing to find clinical antiviral treatments. A promising drug target is the viral main protease Mpro, which plays a key role in viral replication and transcription. Dai et al. designed two inhibitors, 11a and 11b, based on analyzing the structure of the Mpro active site
vid LiU. Multidisciplinär databas som indexerar över 16 000 tidskrifter från 1966+. Möjlighet att göra citeringssökningar. Web of Science.
Sida Liu. Web of Science ResearcherID O-3052-2017 · Faculty - The Chinese University of Hong Kong · dashboard Qiang Liu. Senior Feature Engineer at Veoneer. VeoneerLinköping University Gillas av Qiang Liu Web developer/Data Science/ Data Visualization. Vilka företag, i vilken utsträckning? Patent, ex-jobb, publikationer. Underlag. LiU-publikationer i Web of Science 2008-2013 (DiVA är inte möjlig att använda pga Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) - published; Scopus; Web of Science.
Web of Science does not provide access to full text articles. It links to full text articles in other databases. Web of Science - datubāzē ietverta nozīmīgākā zinātniskā informācija par vairāk kā 12 000 žurnāliem dabaszinātnēs, sociālajās, humanitārajās zinātnēs un mākslā, piedāvājot rakstu bibliogrāfisko un citēšanas informāciju, kopsavilkumus un citu informāciju. Web of science Referens- och citeringsdatabas. Ämnesområde: Ämnesövergripande.
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9 (372). Song, Ning; Liu, Jie; An, Shucai; Nishino, Tomoya; Hishikawa, Yoshitaka; Koji, Takehiko (2011). Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
With no vaccine or proven effective drug against the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), scientists are racing to find clinical antiviral treatments. A promising drug target is the viral main protease Mpro, which plays a key role in viral replication and transcription. Dai et al. designed two inhibitors, 11a and 11b, based on analyzing the structure of the Mpro active site
Integrated studies of coupled human and natural systems reveal new and complex patterns and processes not evident when studied by social or natural scientists separately. Synthesis of six case studies from around the world shows that couplings between human and natural systems vary across space, time, and organizational units. They also exhibit nonlinear dynamics with thresholds, reciprocal
Jing Liu, LiBo Liu, BiQiang Zhao, WeiXing Wan, YiDing Chen, Empirical modeling of ionospheric F2 layer critical frequency over Wakkanai under geomagnetic quiet and disturbed conditions, Science China Technological Sciences, 10.1007/s11431-012-4801-1, 55, 5, (1169-1177), (2012). The authors thank the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFC1105402), the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 31771027 and U1801252), the Hong Kong Scholars Program (Grant No. XJ2015016), the Innovation and Technology Commission (Grant No. ITC‐CNERC14SC01), Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou (Grant
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Yu Liu is an associate professor in the Department of Communication. Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.07.029 Web of Science: 000412251400032.
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Underlag. LiU-publikationer i Web of Science 2008-2013 (DiVA är inte möjlig att använda pga Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) - published; Scopus; Web of Science. DEVI, CHANDNI PETTERSSON, HÅKAN, LANDIN, LARS, LIU, R. S., et al. (2004). The latest Tweets from LiU Grants and Program Offices (@LiUGrantsOffice).
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Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 14 Jan. Science Translational Medicine.
Social Science Computer Review, 19, 146–162.