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You can make any question in your survey required so that respondents must answer it before submitting the page. By default, required questions are marked by an asterisk (*), but you can choose to hide the asterisks from the OPTIONS section of the sidebar in the Design Survey section of your survey. Select On, allow the survey to be taken more than once from the same device.
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The #3 choice has a weight of 3; The #4 choice has a weight of 2; The #5 choice has a weight of 1; We apply weights in this way to ensure that when the data is presented on a chart, it's clear which answer choice is most preferred. If you chose to include an N/A option on the Ranking question, any N/A responses will not factor into the average ranking. The Ranking question option is an interactive and fun survey design choice. Your respondents can choose to click into the number field and type in their rankings, use their mouse to drag-and-drop their choices or they can choose from a drop down menu.
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Be sure to edit the default error message to explain how many answer choices respondents can or must select. Account Options - Checkboxes is a simple closed-ended question type that lets respondents select multiple answers from a defined list of choices. Spend your time acting on data, rather than analysing it.
If you chose to include an N/A option on the Ranking question, any N/A responses will not factor into the average ranking. The Ranking question option is an interactive and fun survey design choice. Your respondents can choose to click into the number field and type in their rankings, use their mouse to drag-and-drop their choices or they can choose from a drop down menu. To add a Multiple Choice question to your survey: Go to the Design survey section. From the Builder section, choose Multiple Choice. Enter the question and answer text.
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In the Design Survey section, click More Actions at the top of the page whose questions you want to require. Click Require questions . There's no way to undo this bulk action, but you can uncheck Require an Answer to This Question under the Options tab for individual questions if needed.
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Is SurveyMonkey Apply the right Grant Management solution for your business? Get opinions from real users about SurveyMonkey Apply with Capterra. Explore 219 verified user reviews from people in industries like yours and narrow down your options to make a confident choice for your needs.
SurveyMonkey provides free online questionnaire and survey software. You must first select the highlighted box. Please make your username at least 3 characters long. Watch this video to learn how to create an online survey with SurveyMonkey.
I found some items on the designer page quite confusing – they are highlighted, but not crucial for the design process (buttons, progress bar, titles). Account Options - Checkboxes is a simple closed-ended question type that lets respondents select multiple answers from a defined list of choices.