Beautiful chartreuse green on narrow leaves with subtle spotting. You will receive an established plant in a 2.5 inch pot to repot into your own container.
Winter Hardiness: 25-30° F Ledebouria species - This is a bulb that produces racemes of small flowers which are usually purple, gray or green. The prime interest of this plant is actually the foliage, being striped or spotted with purple. This plant grows to only 2-4 inches tall and multiplies into clumps.
Ledebouria (Scilla) pauciflora- large leaf species established multiple bulbs.. The one in the photo is the one that you will receive. Sent express post to avoid plant exhaustion. I will combine postage please ask for invoice. I typically post on a Monday or Tuesday.
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I will combine postage please ask for invoice. I typically post on a Monday or Tuesday. No postage to quarantine areas WA NT or TAS. Happy bidding. MY other seller id is Beautiful chartreuse green on narrow leaves with subtle spotting.
Shipped with USPS First Class. Will be shipped in a two inch pot.
Ledebouria pauciflora. Family: Asparagaceae. Common Name: Silver Squill. Plant ID or Location: 512. Ledebouria pauciflora. Origin/Native Range: South Africa. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology 2200 Osborne Dr Ames IA 50011-4009 Phone 515-294-8250 Fax 515-294-1337.
From the bulb sprout thin, lanceolate leaves patterned with green and silver blotches. It can tolerate low light and makes an easy, low maintenance houseplant.
Scilla pauciflora Link ex Schult.f.: is a horticultural name for a plant that is likely a Ledebouria socilais. The name has not been published, but this plant is often
CODE: LEPA08. Availability: 3 in
Ledebouria Pauciflora. Shipped with USPS First Class. Will be shipped in a two inch pot. Ledebouria (Scilla) pauciflora- large leaf species established multiple bulbs.. The one in the photo is the one that you will receive. Sent express post to avoid plant exhaustion.
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It occurs out in the open in full sun, but is also often found in semi-shade, under bushes and trees. The large bulbs store water which enable it to survive for extended periods with little rain. known as spotted squill with delicately mottled straplike leaves that are pale green with dark spots arising from clusters of glossy surfaced bulblets. A miniture form of scilla winter blooming with wands of spike like pinkish white flowers that resemble grape hyacinth.
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Ledebouria 'Scilla' pauciflora Small is a real must for all plant enthusiastics. Additional information about this plant will become available later.
Price: $4.00 . Qty: Add to Cart. Add to Wish List Add to Compare.
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Släktet Ledebouria har drygt 50 arter från Afrika söder om Sahara till Sri Lanka. Släktet hör Brunfelsia pauciflora, brunfelsia 2018, vecka 7.
Ledebouria pauciflora grows large luxuriant leaves covered on panther like dark green spots. In late summer a tall flower spike will emerge and produce small green white flowers. Over time this squill will multiply into an attractive cluster of bulbs and leaves.
Såpaloe. Harveya pauciflora. Haworthia limifolia var. limifolia Scilla megaphylla.
Availability: 3 in Ledebouria Pauciflora. Shipped with USPS First Class. Will be shipped in a two inch pot. Ledebouria (Scilla) pauciflora- large leaf species established multiple bulbs.. The one in the photo is the one that you will receive. Sent express post to avoid plant exhaustion. I will combine postage please ask for invoice.